
Michelle's Birth Story

Friday, September 22, 2023

_Written by Michelle, Birthsmarter Educator and Doula_

Lucca was born 9 years ago, so at this point much is a blur.

These are things I remember:

being so worried about the potential for being sent to the hospital for a medical induction (I was at 41 weeks, 6 days);

visiting a neighborhood brewpub for a snack and a beer the night before & getting very funny looks from the staff;

walking around my apartment listening to music and crying when particular songs played;

the perfect timing of my support team- I woke up to contractions sometime between 4-5am, which woke up my co-parent;

sometime our doula came, then my trapeze partner who provided much appreciated muscle;

both doula and papa had tired arms from so much hip squeezing!

At some point the midwife and her assistant also appeared.

I couldn’t sit or lie down so I moved the whole time.

Eating bacon for breakfast was a very bad idea.

I was in and out of the shower and bath,

I liked the birth stool a lot until it made my bum numb and I ended up in the bed to push.

I have no idea how long I pushed but was told not long, though perhaps longer than it could have been;

sweet baby decided his hand needed to stay with his face.

He was also en caul, at least until his body emerged?

I hadn’t known his sex during pregnancy and was asked something to the effect of “what did you have?” to which I replied, “a baby!”

_Interested in reading other birth stories - check out our blog posts here._

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