Newly pregnant? This 1-hour workshop covers All Things Birth

Alternative Pricing

In order to make Birthsmarter truly inclusive and accessible to all families, we offer Pay-What-You-Can (PWYC) and Pay-It-Forward (PIF) pricing throughout our site. We also accept HSA/FSA cards at Check Out.

The PWYC program is simple: no one will be turned away from classes or support groups1 for lack of funds2. To receive a personalized discount code please fill out this form to indicate the classes you’d like to take and the dollar amount you can contribute. We'll send you a personalized code within one business day.

Determining how much to pay?

In true Birthsmarter fashion, we know that there is no right way to think about financial transactions. To help you figure out how much to pay, we’ve created three frameworks below that you can use as a springboard for making a personal decision on your financial situation and contribution. A few things we'd like for you to keep in mind when you're determining what price will best fit your capabilities

Foundational Thinking

#1 The Date Night Framework

#2 The Wealth Bracket Framework

#3 The Alternative Arrangement

While most people choose to compensate Birthsmarter financially, we acknowledge that there are other ways of reciprocating value including barter and trade. If you’d like to propose an alternative “payment” plan, we’re all ears!

And, re: Pay It Forward

To ensure we’re continually able to offer PWYC pricing, we ask families with access to disposable income to contribute to a community pool at check out.

Interested? Fill out this form.

[1] Our PWYC program applies to all On-Demand, Live-Online, and SLC, and PHX classes. Due to limited capacity and additional expenses we cannot typically offer PWYC pricing to In-Person classes in NYC.

[2] We have a typical base rate of $10 for classes that are 30 to 90 minutes and $25 for classes that are 90+ minutes in length. The base rate helps us cover administrative costs and encourages participation since we know people are more likely to commit to a product or service they’ve paid for. However, if this is inaccessible for any reason, please contact us directly.